Capcom and Sony confirmed during the State of Play stream, which focuses on third-party games and virtual reality, that Resident Evil: Village will be adapted for PlayStation VR2. The production, which triumphed in sales last year, will allow us to play the adventure in the first person and get more into it.
Resident Evil: Village will benefit from PlayStation VR2 technology and DualSense
Capcom said the survival and horror elements have become even more immersive with the combination of DualSense controls and Sony’s advanced headset, PlayStation VR2, and also described this version, one of the firm’s hits in recent years, as the final version of the game.
The game takes us to a cursed village isolated in a hostile and cold climate. In the village, surrounded by strange creatures that make life impossible for its inhabitants, werewolves and other mystical beings make our lives impossible.
Resident Evil: Village is currently available on multiple platforms awaiting downloadable content that expands its world and the adventures of Ethan Winters and his allies in this terrifying setting.
The Resident Evil: Village PS VR2 version has not yet been given a release date.