Respawn, which was recently (again) hit by a hacker attack on Titanfall 2, released an update today for the recently escalated Apex Legends lag problem. Beyond a simple delay problem, the connection issue is causing players to experience constant disconnection, meaning apex legends servers are in a lot of trouble right now.
Apex Legends lag problem ends tomorrow according to Respawna
Respawn claims the published update will “properly” eliminate problems. A statement from the firm’s official Twitter account said:
” For Apex Legends, we’ve released an update that eliminates in-game teleportation, packet loss/detachment, and lag issues. We also found that posing for a moving flag caused the game to crash.
That’s why we’re advising players to cancel these poses for now. The update for this issue and more will be released on Wednesday.”
The Apex Legends lag problem, which began last week, is said to have caused “about three times as many disconnections as normal.” Respawn says the game will be fully normal tomorrow — Wednesday, September 22nd.