We just recently shared with you an interesting hacking incident in the apex legends realm. Dissatisfied with the state of the game and unable to get what they wanted, a group of hackers infiltrated Apex Legends and spread “share savetitanfall.com; Developer Respawn received a jet-setting response yesterday.
Ryan Rigney, a respawn executive, stoned the contributors to the operation with statements posted on his Twitter account. Rigney said the studio was aware of the problem and continued to work on it, adding that such an attack on Apex Legends “stole everyone’s time.”
Rigney, who also said it was a “day off” during the hacking attack, also told a personal story, sending a message to hackers that “you’re ruining our lives.”
The interesting thing is that this site, Save Titanfall, has not yet posted attacks. So much so that site administrators even stated that they did not find this attack “reasonable.” But when we go to the site’s homepage, we see a message that Respawn pretends that “nothing is wrong” even though he has been aware of this problem for a long time. The team at Save Titanfall even said they contacted the producers directly, but when it came to Titanfall 1, they stopped responding to them.
Let’s see how long this war lasts.