Riders Republic, which will meet gamers later this month, conducted a beta test in August. Ubisoft decided to share a trial version for those who did not get a chance to play at the time.
The trial, which will be available as of tonight, will allow you to test the game 24 hours a day. Therefore, those who have an intention to take the game will be able to get an idea of what awaits them first.
Since the trial version will be active for 24 hours, Ubisoft has also eliminated the long tutorial section so you can spend more time on the main parts of the game. During this time, you can browse various modes of the game, explore the open world, the choice is up to you.
From what we’ve seen so far about riders republic, I’ve got the impression that Ubisoft intends to melt everything in a pot in the name of extreme sports, I don’t know what you’d think:) Whether this formula holds or not, we’ll all see from October 28th.