Rockstar Games, the developer of the beloved Grand Theft Auto series, announced in a news post that it has been shifting its development resources to the next game of the GTA series over the past few years. This caused Rockstar to focus less on Red Dead Online.
Rockstar has announced that major content updates will no longer be coming for Red Dead Redemption 2’s online mode while shifting its focus to the series’ new game. Announcing that it has significantly reduced its support for Red Dead Online, Rocsktar will spend most of its resources on GTA VI. Rockstar reports that it wants to “exceed its expectations” with the new game. In this context, the company said that instead of adding new modes or major updates, it will improve the existing modes in Red Dead Online.
Rockstar reports in a statement: “Over the past few years, we’ve been spending most of our resources on the next game in the Grand Theft Auto series. We want to exceed the expectations of the players with the new game. Because of this process, we have made some changes to support Red Dead Online.
We’ll be further improving the existing modes in Red Dead Online and continuing to introduce new missions. We’ll be introducing seasonal special events and experience improvements, but we’ll support and enhance existing mods instead of major content updates as we’ve done in previous years.
We would like to thank our community once again for their continued support. We’re really grateful for all the constructive feedback we’ve received so far.”