The Marvel Cinematic Universe does very well to attract all the Marvel content around like a vortex. Of course, this vortex is quite selective because Sony’sSpider-Man Universe can’t even get close to the MCU, no matter what the circumstances. Venom;s parody scene at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home was the best joke ever made. However, the waters in the MCU are still flowing when it comes to successful works, and Netflix is waiting to meet its new scenarios after the Marvel series move to their new home.
There seems to be a new series on the horizon for the Punisher, who is the 2nd favorite series after the Daredevil series announced during San Diego Comic-Con. Rosario Dawson, who plays Claire Temple in Netflix’s Marvel Universe, told Chiaco Comic Expo, “I haven’t heard them announce it, but I learned yesterday that the Punisher is being remade. I feel like I’m getting my second chance at this because the only show I didn’t star in was Punisher. I also love Jon Bernthal. Let’s do it collectively.” He said the big surprise.
Of course, we don’t know exactly where Dawson heard this news, but someone who has acted in Marvel projects before probably learned this first-hand. There has not yet been a statement from Disney or Marvel about the Punisher, but soon the smell will appear. The entry of the Punisher above Daredevil into the MCU will make us as the Street Level Hero Lovers Association very happy.