Rideon Japan announced strategy RPG Mercenaries Lament: Silver Wolf and the Seven Stars of the Maiden. The game will appear for Playstation 4 on February 9, Japan, then on the next date.
Mercenaries Lament: Ginru to Miko is the seventh game of the Mawaru Nanatsu Boshi, Mercenaries Saga series, and while renewing systems and skills of previous games, it also improves quality of life and add new elements.
A mysterious epidemic passed several years over a quarter of the continent. Veba victims have turned into zombie corpses attacked people, and fought to live, paraly soldiers spent their days by doing a dirty job like destroy them.
One day, Johan, the leader of Silver Wolf Company, met him with a man called Grim Reaper. Johan Azrail will cope with an unlucky prophecy when getting rid of the sword share from the sword: “After 100 days, the prophecy will come to an inevitable death.”