Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, announced at last E3 2021, will be available for free to gamers who purchase the GeForce RTX desktop or laptop system. The company also shared test results on Alan Wake Remastered DLSS performance, which was released yesterday. The company’s statements and details are as follows;
RTX system purchasers will receive Guardians of the Galaxy game for free
NVIDIA has announced that it will gift a digital copy of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy for a limited time to players who purchase certain GeForce RTX desktop or laptop systems. Models include a variety of models that include everything from the GeForce RTX 3060 to the GeForce RTX 3090.
GeForce players will be able to experience Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, developed with REAL-time ray-tracking reflections and NVIDIA DLSS that accelerates performance. For more information, visit Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy bundle page.
NVIDIA DLSS Arrives at Alan Wake Remastered
The remake of Remedy Entertainment’s 2010 hit Alan Wake is coming out today with NVIDIA DLSS, which accelerates performance by up to 2x in 4K. Available on the Epic Games Store, this critically acclaimed action-thriller is linked to Remedy’s RTX masterpiece Control.