Recently, rumors spread and started to circulate that Bethesda had set up a new studio for remakes and remasters. Today, a social media user named @Shpeshal_Nick, who leaked details about Ghost of Tsushima’s Two Island expansions before it was officially announced, says FromSoftwareis developing a new Soulslike game exclusively for Sony for PlayStation 5. The claimant says this Soulslike game will not be Bloodborne 2, while the new PlayStation State of Play will be on August 19.
Rumor: FromSoftware is developing a new Soulslike for PS5
If the claim is true, it seems that FromSoftware’s intermittent partnership with Sony will continue. FromSoftware, which holds the throne of Soulslike games, has gained the acclaim of PlayStation users with Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne, which it has developed exclusively for PlayStation in recent years. Rumor has it that the company is developing a new Soulslike production exclusively for the PlayStation 5.
The rumor spread today indicates that this will be a new brand, while the next PlayStation State of Play will be held on August 19, 2021. It is worth noting that all these allegations are not based on any official statement and are purely a rumor. Although no official date has yet been given for the new State of Play, we will see its reality together in the coming days. You can also access and browse the source of the rumor here.