New rumors have emerged about Resident Evil Village, the latest in Capcom’s recently acclaimed legendary series. It is said that it will turn the game into a roguelike game with random items and enemies, and there will be a unlockable level of difficulty.
Resident Evil Village can have a special difficulty mode
A new rumor circulating about Resident Evil Village says there will be a new difficulty mode to unlock once players have completed the main game. Capcom is said to be adding the option to increase the challenge for players who feel ready to fight in their latest game.
AestethicGamer, a reliable name for leaks, posted several notes on Twitter revealing what players can expect from the game after finishing the main story. According to insiders, Capcom was working on a mode similar to ETHAN Must Die from RE7, but decided to bring it as a “comprehensive difficulty mode” in the game.
AestethicGamer “I don’t know all the details / final result of the mode, I still think they will talk about it before it is released. But I know it makes the game more open, makes placing enemies and items random and makes it extremely difficult.”
If you like to perch on a corner of your seat while counting your weapon’s ammo while fending off enemies that have descended on you like nightmares in terrifying environments, this mode will probably be perfect for you. Capcom has not yet confirmed reports on the matter. But the Twitter user in question is generally a reliable figure in horror games and Capcom leaks. He’s got a pretty good record. We hope to find out more about the new Resident Evil event later this month.
Regarding the new event, AestethicGamer said, “We don’t want to ruin any surprises, so we leave it to you to speculate on what the presentation might include.” What do you think such a level of difficulty would be? Don’t forget to express your opinions in the comments.