Recently, some rumors began to emerge on social media — mostly on Twitter — that Microsoft was preparing to make the purchase of a new major gaming studio. The acquisition, which is thought to be one of the giant names mentioned with Microsoft from time to time, such as SEGA or Take-Two Interactive, is expected to be announced soon.
Rumor: Xbox to announce new gaming studio acquisition
In recent weeks, rumors have surfaced that Microsoft is in talks to acquire Take-Two Interactive, the parent company of Rockstar Games, and we have not encountered any additional information since. The acquisition of Take-Two, one of the most famous companies in the gaming world, sounds impossible, although it may sound impossible; Microsoft may have actually purchased SEGA.
The fact that many Xbox Insider program members posted after a meeting that made such claims; It was one of the biggest factors in the outbreak of rumors. Claims that Microsoftwill announce a major game studio acquisition indicate that it will be made at the Tokyo Game Show 2021 or The Game Awards 2021. It is also worth noting that these companies are purely a rumor and are not based on any conclusive evidence.