The Hogwarts Legacy, which Harry Potter fans have been eagerly awaiting, was originally to be released in 2021. However, in January 2021, it was announced that the game had been postponed until 2022. Earlier this week, journalist Colin Moriarty said the game would not be out this year and was having development problems. But a new rumor is that development is going well and that the game will be in its third year of 2022. He says he’ll be out in a quarter.
Twitter user AccountNGT, which leaked Star Wars Eclipse before it was announced, said Hogwarts Legacy legacy will be released in the third quarter of 2022 and development is going well.
AccountNGT’s post states: “Now that the 2023 rumor has been refuted by several official sources, I can post this Tweet. As I said a few weeks ago, according to my sources, Hogwarts Legacy is the third year of this year. It’s going to be out in a quarter. There is nothing wrong with the development.”
Now that the 2023 rumor has been debunked by several official sources I can post this tweet ;
ICYMI: As I said a few weeks ago, according to my info, Hogwarts Legacy will be released on Quarter 3 of this yearThe development is going well.
— AccountNGT (@AccNgt) January 18, 2022