Sea of Thieves, which brings excitement to the seas with its new season, finally begins its new story-driven adventures. The Rare team, which first announced these contents in January, finally officially announced our first adventure. The first adventure, to be called “Shrouded Island”, runs from February 17th to March 3rd.
The green mist, which has caught the attention of many players currently playing the game, will be detailed in this new adventure. We have also learned that this interesting mist that appears on some islands is related to Flamehearth. What’s even more interesting is that this event, which Rare introduced as “live”, will have a lasting impact on the game.
And how’s that going to work? According to the statement, the players who will embark on the adventure during this three-week period will decide the course of the story. The route preferred by the majority of players will also determine the future of Sea of Thieves. At the end of this adventure, new content will be added to the game.
Are you ready to decide the course of the adventure?