The Valorant Turkey team has launched a competition for the Turkish character added to the game last month. In the event organized to find the best Fade player mine, the conditions of participation and the deadline were shared on the official Twitter account.
Valorant Turkey is looking for the best Fade player who says I am
Valorant, Riot Games’ online first-person shooter, is organizing an event for Turkish Agent Fade , who was added to the game last month. It seems that there will be a tough fight between ambitious players who say I am the best Fade player. In the post shared on the official Twitter page of Valorant Turkey, the rules and application date of the tournament named “Shooting Free” were announced.
If you say my game eats other games raw, #AtışSerbest! ??
The excitement continues. Share the best Fade games with #NoContextFade tag and become one of the 10 lucky people who will win Les Benjamins X VALORANT Fade Kit. ??
@feritkw will choose the winners. Last day: June 28 ??— VALORANT // TURKEY (@VALORANTtr) June 20, 2022
To win the prizes of the competition, you are asked to record and share footage of the best game you have ever played with Fade. The name that will sit in the jury seat to watch the images shared within the scope of this difficult struggle and decide is the famous publisher Ferit “wtcN” Karakaya. The top 10 players will be selected between the videos and their rewards will be delivered. The prize will be “Les Benjamins X VALORANT Fade Kit”, which has been widely shared on social media in recent days and highly appreciated by most players.
If you want to win a Fade t-shirt and hoodie specially designed by Riot Games, hurry up. The deadline for participation in the competition has been announced as June 28, 2022. Just share the best moment you play with Fade from your Twitter account with the #NoContextFade tag. We wish you all the best of luck.