Good news continues to come from Shadow Warrior 3, which absurd FPS enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting. Lo Wang’s adventure with brutality, magic and plenty of weapons is known to debut on PC. But it seems Shadow Warrior 3 won’t leave the console enthusiasts in the void either.
DeveloperFlying Wild Hog, who released a new trailer featuring the mission “Doomsday Device”, shared the details of this highly moving episode with us. In Shadow Warrior 3, we’ll be able to use the environment to tear our opponents apart. In the shared video, we see the cuts activated by the buttons stirring things up.
But our attention is focused on the phrases at the end of the video. Shadow Warrior 3 will be available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One before the video closes. So for now, there’s no explanation for the next generation of consoles, but older generation consoles are sure to get Shadow Warrior 3.