Simon the Sorcerer is an unforgettable adventure game series, especially for those of me who are my age. The first game came out in 1993 and later came to Steam as the 25th Anniversary Edition, and I would recommend this new version to all players, new or old. They have ensured that the game runs smoothly on the next generation of computers without disturbing its originality and the game still gives you the pleasure of that first day.
If you were to tell me at that time to name a few games that could compete with LucasArts adventure games, one of my answers would be Simon the Sorcerer.
Honestly, I never expected a new game to come into the series, so I was quite surprised by the sudden announcement of Simon the Sorcerer – Origins.
According to Leonardo Interactive and Smallthing Studios, Simon the Sorcerer – Origins will be the predecessor of the first game, and we will return to a few weeks before the events that occurred in the first game. They say, “You will find the answer to why Simon is in that mysterious magical world in this game.”
It’s hard to speculate just by looking at the trailer of the game, but if they don’t miss what makes those games great, a good job can come out.