Posts began to appear on many postwar social media platforms launched by Russia two days ago. Not all the Ukrainian war images we have come across reflect the truth. As always, these images, which appear for manipulation purposes, include scenes from the game ArmA III .
Some Ukrainian war footage taken from games
Ukrainian war footage, which was shared with the caption “Ukraine fires missiles to cut off artillery fire from Russian planes,” has received thousands of shares and likes after being posted on Twitter. The video was soon posted on other sharing platforms. It was soon removed by Facebook, which first noticed the situation. The video was then removed on other platforms and still reached millions.
You can find images of a similar video below.
Kotaku downloaded the shared image before the video-sharing post was taken off the air, and posted it on his site. If you want to watch it, you can click here .
These seemingly very realistic images of The Ukrainian war show how dire the real face of the war is, albeit a game.
This is one of the most important examples of how the emerging video game industry and technologies can also be used for malicious purposes. Of course, we cannot discuss the legitimacy or the truth of war. It’s especially sad for all of us that civilians are also harmed.