The first Sonic film, released in partnership with Paramount & Sega, had a rather unfortunate period at the box office just when it coincided with the pandemic. The step taken by the first film to change the fortunes of the game films was taken one step further by the sequel. Sonic 2, which was released about three months ago, managed to exceed the $ 400 million threshold at the box office. This made Sonic 2 the fifth most successful gaming film in history.
Sonic 2;s $ 400 million is actually a success like the first place. Because Warcraft, which has the highest box office revenue in game films, sits at the top with $ 439 million in this regard. Detective Pikachu is in second place with $433 million. Uncharted, which ranked fourth, had a box office revenue of $ 401 million. Sonic 2’s next target is naturally Uncharted, but if Paramount considers releasing the film again, it could even be the top 3.
Nor is this the only achievement of the most famous blue hedgehog. Sonic 2 grossed $190 million in North America, making it the highest, locally highest-grossing game film in American history. All this successful course of events excited Paramount about the Sonic Cinematic Universe and preparations for the third film of the series began. On the other hand, we will also watch various Sonic Universe series, especially Knuckles, in the future.