Recently, I said, So on September 2, 2021, horizon forbidden west,one of the newest and most ambitious games on the PlayStation side, was pre-ordered, and we witnessed the price of 599 (PlayStation 4 version) and 699 (PlayStation 5 version) in our country. Sony, which has previously stated that PlayStation 5 upgrades by some special names such as Horizon Forbidden West will be free, has received a huge backlash for its $10 price difference and has been subject to a revolt from players. According to an official statement last night, 100,000 people were killed in the attack Sony backtracked and announced that playstation 4 and PlayStation 5 upgrades would be free.
Sony backlash: Horizon Forbidden West won’t be upgraded for pay
Jim Ryan, CEO & President of Sony Interactive Entertainment, recalled that in the past they have promised to offer free upgrades to some games, such as Horizon Forbidden West; he said they would stand by their promise. While the purchasers of the PlayStation 4 version of Horizon Forbidden West said they could be upgraded to the PlayStation 5 version for free, the news delighted the gamers.
Continuing his speech, Jim Ryan also addressed some important explanations for PlayStation users:
” Today, I also want to confirm that the ever-moving PlayStation’s first-party custom cross-generation (which will be released on PS4 & PS5) brands will offer the option to upgrade from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 for a $10 fee for digital and physical versions. This will apply to the next God of War, Gran Turismo 7 and other exclusive cross-generation PS4 & PS5 brands released by Sony Interactive Entertainment.”
Players who purchase the $599 PlayStation 4 version of Horizon Forbidden West, which will be released on February 18, 2022, will be able to upgrade to the $699 PlayStation 5 for free. Jim Ryan, who has also made important statements about Aloy’s exciting storyline and the upcoming first-party Sony specials, seems to have satisfyed the curiosity of PlayStation users.