Sony says it has pressed the button to tie Destiny’s developer Bungie to its colors for $3.6 billion. A move was also expected from Sony after Microsoft acquired Activision Blizzard, but it’s fair to say that the Bungie choice is not as earthquake-inducing news as some sites claim. The Sony -Bungie negotiations started months ago, but they both managed to keep these conversations a secret, so congratulations on the fact that there were no leaks.
The terms of the deal between Sony and Bungie are also interesting, since although Bungie is being acquired by Sony, it will remain independent and multi-platform. He’ll even be able to broadcast any of his plays himself.
Bungie also posted a message immediately after that statement for those wondering what Destiny 2’s status would be.
Accordingly, Destiny 2 will continue on all existing platforms and new platforms will be added, “one community, many platforms”, says Bungie. Bungie was emphasized for its absolute creative freedom and independence over the Destiny universe, while players were told that they would continue to experience the same Destiny wherever and on any platform.
We’ve started 2022 fast, but I don’t think the big players are going to settle for that, so let’s see who comes next.