The PS5 ad, which was posted on Sony’s official Twitter account last night, was deleted immediately after it was released. The ad, which drew a backlash because the console was placed upside down in the ad, was removed by Sony without explanation.
Sony immediately removed the PS5 ad it had reversed
This is happening in the content of the ad that Sony posted on its Twitter account. In the commercial, a little boy comes up to his father and asks him to tell a story. His father retoances kratos’ story and sits down and plays God Of War on his PlayStation 5.
The upside-down PlayStation 5 is clearly evident at this point and attracts the attention of gamers. In the video, the PlayStation 5 is placed horizontally and upside down in one of the lower cabinets of the tv unit. Which means the dad who plays God Of War in the commercial also put the game’s disc in reverse. Otherwise, the disc would not be read and the game would not have worked.
The PlayStation 5,which stands out with its stylish and modern design, seems to have attracted attention with its upside down version this time. There is still no official statement from Sony about the deleted ad.