Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov recently called on video game companies to stop selling, especially to PlayStation and Xbox, in Russian markets. The call was positive, and at this point, giant companies such as Sony, Microsoft and EA have suspended sales in Russia.
The latest racing game, Gran Turismo 7, has been released almost everywhere except Sony’s Russian PS Store. Microsoft has suspended all sales of new products and services in Russia. In addition, Electronic Arts has stopped selling all games and digital currencies in Russia and Belarus.
We are taking several new steps in response to the war in Ukraine, including suspending new sales in Russia.
— Brad Smith (@BradSmi) March 4, 2022
According to Eurogamer, the product page of Gran Turismo 7 on russia’s PlayStation Store reads “Release date awaits approval”. Sony has withdrawn the game from sale in Russia, but has yet to make an official statement on the decision.