Sony announced in September 2021 that it was adding firesprite studio to the Playstation Studios family, where they collaborated on games such as The Playroom and The Playroom VR. In January of this year, the studio received the first major news, and we learned that the new game in sony’s revival Twisted Metal series was taken from Destruction All Stars studio Lucid Games and transferred to Firesprite.
According to the latest news, Twisted Metal isn’t the only game Firesprite is working on.
Job ads on the site’s website say the studio is developing a horror game and will use Unreal Engine 5.
“We are looking for a narrative director to join the development team for the story-based AAA horror-adventure game we are developing using Unreal 5,” the ad says.
In fact, Sony has several horror game franchises, some of which have not seen new games in a long time. For example, could Firesprite be developing a new Siren game? If such a game emerges, it means that Sony firesprite studio has been tasked with reviving the old series, but perhaps they are working on a completely new IP.