There’s been almost 10 years of spider-man action in the last three years. Sony’s great idea, Spider-Man, which began with the Spider-Verse animation, will skyrocket with No Way Home in the coming days. But Sony doesn’t want to lose rhythm and detonated the bomb before No Way Home even came out. The first film in the Across the Spider-Verse series, which will go deep into Spider-Verse, has been officially announced with a spectacular trailer.
We were actually expecting to see Spider-Verse 2 in 2023, but in October 2022, we’re going back to these strange lands, and this is just the beginning. The trailer, announced as part one, begins the adventure after Spider-Gwen visits Miles. Spider-Man 2099, which appeared intermittently in the trailer, was also a character that fans were eagerly awaiting. Miguel O, who will take Miles and possibly the entire Spidey community to his own universe; Hara (voiced by Oscar Isaac) may be the key character in the new era Spider-Verse.
In this film, we’ll also see a lot of Jessica Drew, spider-woman. It’s no wonder he’s in a movie called Spider-Verse, although he doesn’t get to know the Spidey community much except for his name and costume. While tickets for No Way Home have received a lot of attention in our country, it will be great to enter the animation section of Spider-Verse a year later. We expect sony to continue these good works. Watch the first trailer for Across the Spide-Verse dubbed in Turkish below.