Stanley Parable is one of the most original, best rendered, most bizarre storytelling and one of the most memorable games of all time. It’s been more than 10 years since the game came out, and if you haven’t played so far, I’d say you’ve really missed out on a lot in the name of acting culture. But maybe it’s not too late, because Stanley Parable’s new and improved version, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, is set to meet with the cast in April.
Stanley Parable; the character we played was Stanley, Employee 427. We were one of hundreds of ordinary employees, and the release date for this new version was chosen as 27/4 in accordance with our name, that is, April 27th.
Stanley’s job at work was to monitor the data on the computer screen and press the necessary keys without questioning why. One day, the monitor went silent, and Stanley explored the building he was in, not knowing what to do. The narrator was saying something, Stanley was doing it… Or not. That part was entirely up to us. Anyway, stanley parable’s greatest trait was being able to branch out the story in a weird way with the decisions we made all the time.
“The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe expands the world of the original game with new content, new choices and new secrets waiting to be discovered,” says the game’s developer, crows crows crows. “You’re going to play as Stanley and you’re not going to play as Stanley. You’re going to make a choice, and your choices are going to take away you. The game will end and the game will never end.”
On the game’s Steam page, he said, “We’ve been here before, haven’t we? Is Stanley still who he was then? Or are you the one who’s changed?” We’ll get the answers to these questions on April 27th by playing this great game once again.