We also mentioned in our report that Star Wars Eclipse, which has been circulating for some time and was finally officially announced at the TGA 2021 ceremony, is in the very early stages. The latest allegations confirm this.
Tom Henderson, one of the sources of previous leaks about the game, posted some new information on his Twitter account.
Henderson said: “I’m not He says the script for the play was written by the Quantic Dream Paris studio (and David Cage was very involved in the process), that the studio is already struggling to recruit new staff, and that Eclipse could be released in 3-4 years at the earliest. One of the most important agenda items in the development section is the QD game engine because it is not designed for open-world games, Henderson said, adding that there are over 60 job advertisements for the Quantic Dream Paris studio and 9 jobs for the Montreal studio.
Based on the sharing of a cinematic trailer, we were already anticipating that they were in the very early stages of the project. So the news that we have a long time ahead of us for the game’s release is hardly a surprise.
Quantic Dream, on the other hand, is struggling to find staff. Whether they can overcome this problem in a short time and continue their way without problems seems to be one of the important agendas of the coming period.