Steam has set a new simultaneous user record. As SteamDBreported, Steam has reached a staggering 27,182,165 players. According to the information, 7.8 million of the 27.1 million users were actively playing games. This figure is also a brand new record for Steam.
Valve’s PC gaming platform set records in 2020 and 2021. This record has been reached with the global coronavirus emerging worldwide.
The rise of Steam began in January 2020, when people began to isolate themselves with the COVID-19 crisis. On February 2nd, Steam’s number of simultaneous users reached 18,537,490. It took a short time for this number to reach 20 million, and in March it reached 22 million users. Steam peaked in December 2020 with 24.7 million users and then 26.5 million users in February 2021. The most recent record was set in April 2021 with 26.9 million users.