On Steam, we used to expect only major big discounts, big Autumn Sales, Winter Sales, etc. Later, the number of discount periods began to increase, and demo-oriented periods such as Steam Next Fest also entered. Nowadays, thematic periods are added to the existing discount periods.
For example, we knew that there was a Steam Survival Fest between August 1 and 8, and after that, it announced a brand new discount period for Valve: Steam Break Down, or Steam Bash Bash as it was originally called.
“Join us in the Steam Smash event where we’ll be armed and join the fight! Upcoming and upcoming games will be on sale, and this event will feature games whose primary mechanic is fighting with melee weapons.” In the description of the discount period.
On the information page, it is said that the games to be attended should include melee weapons as the main game mechanics. Detailed information about the event is available on the following page .
Steam Break Down will start on September 19th at 20:00 CET and will end on September 26th at 20:00 CET.