Steam set new records one after the other during the pandemic process, and after a long break, started running to new records. If you recall, in April, the platform reached 26 million simultaneous players, a first. After 7 months, the platform reached a record 27,384,959 simultaneous players.
According to SteamDB, 7.8 million of the players were actively playing when this record was broken. Although this figure lags behind April, Valve seems to be still eating the fruits of its classic games. CS:GO and DOTA 2 alone have hosted more than 1.5 million players in the last 24 hours.
Of course, it’s fair to say that the holiday season that started in America is behind this. North America, which has had a large holiday period with Thanksgiving, may also have its new computers with Black Friday discounts. This is directly proportional to the increase in the number of players and users.