Unknown Worlds, which developed the popular undersea survival game Subnautica and its 2021 sequel Subnautica: Below Zero, was acquired late last year by Krafton, owner of PUBG Corporation. Following this acquisition, unknown worlds was curious about the path it would take, and we now know a little bit about it.
The studio’s first game under the Roof of Krafton will be released later this year, and it will not be from the Subnautica series.
The game, now known as Project M, is a turn-based strategy game set in a sci-fi universe. The game will be released for PC and mobile platforms and will be easy to learn and difficult to master. The phrase “fun to watch others play” in the statement indicates that the game will also be aimed at viewers.
Considering that unknown worlds; Both Subnautica and the sequel had significant success not only as review points, but also with the interest of the players.
Below you can also see the first concept drawing published from the game (the image is in 4K resolution).