Without comics, Hollywood would have a hard time producing new scripts. We’ve seen a lot of comic book adaptations that have been released recently, and series and animations keep coming. Of course, not every good comic book has a good version. But with Taika Waititi involved, there’s plenty of reason to hope. The Incal graphic novel created by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebiuswill also come to the screen from Waititi.
Actually, The Incal is a little different from the comics we know. The Incal, which came to life in the late 1970s with the drawing of the great master Moebius and the wonderful story of Jodorowsky, is a graphic novel. “Alejandro Jodorowsky’s graphic novels and films have affected me and many people deeply. I am very happy to have the opportunity to bring this story and its iconic characters to life.” Waititi seems to be thcoming another dream.
The Incal, which has had a wide fan base since the 1970s, is still known as the best-selling sci-fi graphic novel. Incal, who also founded a universe called Jodoverse, also paved the way for comic book series such as The Metabarons and Megalex. The story, which is shaped by the fact that John Difool,a private investigator investigating a mysterious phenomenon called Incal , meets a magnificent force that stretches through the galaxy and learns about Incal’s powers, seems quite appropriate for cinema.
If the release date or cast is yet to be announced, if Incal’s reflection on the screen is even a little reminiscent of Moebius’s panels, we may also encounter a spectacular visual feast. Taika Waititi’s unique cinematic vision and passion for science fiction are another good reason to be curious. We’re looking forward to the good news from The Incal.