The Ascent, which stands out especially with its level of detail, finally gets the additional package it has needed for a long time. According to the statement made by the developer Neon Giant, the new DLC called “The Cyber Heist” will be released on August 18. So we only have to wait about 10 days to land in the city once again.
The developer, who celebrated the first year of the game last week, says that they are very happy with the interest and support that The Ascent has received. The Neon Giant team, which says that the new DLC is a gift to The Ascent community, has officially released the second trailer about The Cyber Heist. Unfortunately, there are not many details in the video.
Still, we know that Neon Giant will release another trailer. This trailer will probably appear within the week. Then we will start the countdown to DLC. Likewise, we believe that we will be able to learn more details about this DLC in the coming days.