The new season of Apex Legends, which was leaked just the other day, was officially introduced. Respawn, who published the hint video for the new season that will start on August 9, also shared the story of the new character Vantage. The story of Vantage, who will come with sniper skills, is also quite interesting.
Vantage, whose mother has been unfairly accused, is born on the ice planet Pagos. Vantage, who has improved his survival skills throughout his life, will be able to teleport thanks to his “winged friend” named Echo. Vantage will also be able to watch over his surroundings and opponents with his own sniper rifle.
With the new season, new weapons and cosmetics will be added to the game. However, thanks to the leaks, we had the chance to learn that a new map would come with the new season. Hunted named 14. We will have the opportunity to learn all the details of the season on July 28.