One of the tools that consoles use to strengthen their hands is ‘exclusive’, that is, games that debut exclusively on that console. Gamers who don’t have enough budget to collect a gaming PC or don’t want to deal with it, who find it more comfortable to play games on the console, also take a look at the games that come to that console (or don’t) when deciding which console to buy.
Sony; he has been advantageous in this regard for years. Nintendo’s already leading games are always console-specific. Microsoft, on the other hand, is the only one Although it has been criticized for not having xbox-specific games in the previous generation, it is estimated that they will close the gap with new studio purchases. In this generation, though, they announced that they preferred a policy of simultaneously removing PC and Xbox versions of their games; they’ve already stated that they don’t see PC and Xbox separately. Therefore, it is not possible to talk about a game that will only be available for Xbox at this stage. However, the number of games classified as “xbox/playstation;a/switch;exclusive on console is also increasing.
The two examples in this group were The Medium and Oddworld: Soulstorm. Oddworld: Soulstorm was released for PC, PS4 and PS5. But now we know they’re going to switch to rival consoles. Oddworld: Soulstormwas rated by ESRB for Xbox One and Xbox Series, and The Mediumwas rated ps5.
Actually, it’s not a very surprising picture. We’re getting used to games debuting for a specific platform for a certain period of time. At least it’s gratifying that the time hasn’t been extended too long, so they can reach the wider group of players in less time. We are going to continue to see examples like this in the coming period; Let’s see what the next example is.