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The number of multiversus players is growing exponentially. Multiversus, the fighting game where Shaggy and Superman come face to face and Tom beats Jerry with a collar instead of chasing him, brings the characters under the roof of Warner Bros. together and makes them break each other. The game, which entered the open beta process last week, competes with the giants in Steam’s instant player count.
The number of multiversus players has exceeded millions
Since last week, Multiversus has been competing with players such as CS: GO, Apex Legends on Steam. It is stated that the number of instant players of the game is 150 thousand, of course, these statistics do not include Playstation and Xbox players. Players who test the game state that there are close to 5 million players in the list of players they are placed in as a result of matches. So much so that millions of players were mobilized to open the “stage” where Rick and Morty would be added to the game.
Among the characters that may be added to the game in the future, it is stated that a wide list from Joker to Godzilla is in the database. Among the characters that may be added to Mutliversus in the future are interesting names such as Gandalf, Black Man, Poison Ivy, Scooby-Doo, Daenery Targaryen. It can be understood that it is special for free fighting games and that the League of Legends fighting game will be free.