Home The iconic voice of the Witcher series Doug Cockle was an unforgettable place in the game world with the role of Geralt of Rivia. However, Cockle continued this role in Witcher 2, CD Projekt Red has been compromised due to a different direction trial decision. Cockle announced that it had to learn and re-select this situation from another voice artist. Fortunately, Cockle has been successfully renamed and continued to be the voice of Geralt.
Witcher Planed a Different Direction For Geralt in 2
Doug Cockle announced that a friend joined to choose Geralt role for Witcher 2, CD Projectkt Red. Cockle, “I don’t know why you’re choosing again, but I would like to evaluate again,” he asked the studio. The CD Projekt Red expressed that he wanted to try “a different direction” for the Geralt character, but this idea was removed from the shelf with the reconstruction of Cockle.
Cockle continued to sound Geralt in Witcher 2 similar to the first game. Although the CD Projekt Red’s “different direction” plan is not fully explained, Cockle’s performance is welcomed by fans.
The voice to
Doug Cockle adds to Geralt has become iconic as white hair and double hair. This uncertainty, experienced in Witcher 2, positively resulted thanks to the ability of Cockle. Although the ruins in Witcher 4 can end the story of Geralt, the voice of Cockle is now printed on the game date.
Home This event behind the scenes of the Witcher 2 is once again showing how important the selection of the right player in the game world.