The World Of Warcraft World First race is a long-standing “tradition” in the game’s 16-year history. Since the game’s first raider, Molten Core, the guild is the world’s first to clear the opener. However, this tradition has become an esports for about 3 years.
European guilds Method, Echo and Pieces and American guildi Limit are currently head-to-head in the Current Raid of Shadowlands, Sanctum Of Domination. However, this race can cause interesting moments, especially due to the time difference between America and Europe.
The players of the guilds in question sleep as little as possible during the raid race, but europe either catches up with it or leaves it behind while America sleeps in general. American guildi Limit saw 50,000 instant viewers on Twitch and Method and Echo more than 20,000 viewers in the raid race, which entered its third day. While this is a highly regarded number for World Of Warcraft, it is noteworthy that the race is not about PVP but on PVE (player versus computer).
How the World Of Warcraft World First race evolved into eSports
World Of Warcraft’s end-of-game content is divided into raids and dungeons on the PVE side Raid is a much larger scale, more difficult and more story critical version of dungeo. Along with Molten Core, the game’s first raider, he was the first guildin since 2004 to finish the game’s newest raid. However, due to both technological impossibility and the fact that this event has not yet become a tradition, it would not be possible to follow the race.
The World Of Warcraft World First race has undergone a major transformation with Uldir, the starter of Battle For Azeroth, which debuted in 2018. Method, one of the most successful (and eventful) guilds in WoW history, brought its struggles to World First to Twitch, that is, to us “ordinary” players. The race at one point turned into an event attended by presenters and commentators, as they were established and (at the time) the game’s most popular guild.
With the arrival of Battle For Azeroth’s 4th raid Eternal Palace, they beganbroadcasting their World First challenge on Twitch, the U.S. Guildi Limit, which chased the pack-length Method (and eventually seized the throne of the Method). On July 28, 2018, the end of the race, World Of Warcraft topped instant Twitch viewership for the first time in its history. In the moment Queen Azshara fell, WoW’s audience exceeded 200,000 instant viewers, and her nearest rival was League of Legends with 109,000 viewers.
Players who want to watch the latest raid race of World Of Warcraft can visit the following addresses.