Quantum Error studio TeamKill Media announced third-person action horror game Code Violet for PlayStation 5. It will be launched in July.
Description of the game:
25. It is said that in the century, the world of mankind is not experienced and saved the cap share from a disaster that translates to harabeye. The rest of the human race looked at stars for a new world: Trappist 1-E, where they will rebuild and restart.
However, the right survivors from this disaster are jealousy and they were not able to have children, and if there is no solution, the humanity will disappear in a short time. The colony named Aion, the last survivors of the world, is able to skip different time slices using technologies, miss women and make them to trappist 1-E bases and thus prevent human race from being destroyed.
However, this situation, which looks like good intention, hides dark facts and Violet Sinclair, when placed on the time and from Trappist 1-E, as reveals the real intentions of Aion, it finds itself in the conflict of conspiracy and survival.
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