When a football team is defeated, the eyes are first turned to the coach. A similar situation is happening for the director in motion pictures. Especially if you’re filming in a place like the Marvel Cinematic Universe,doing a bad job is a very risky situation for your career. Thor: Dark World( director Alan Taylor, one of the MCU’s relatively worst films- claims his film has been altered by the studio. Just like Zack Snyder(Justice League: Snyder Cut) reunited years later, Taylor is adamated that his version is much better.
Taylor, who says Marvel Studios has made radical changes to his film, has no expectations of Marvel Studios. “I supported Zack Snyder in doing this job and thinking about it. That’s really amazing. I think every director can find a piece of himself here. That’s what I’d like to be able to do. Can you imagine that? They give me millions of dollars, and I work again. yes, I don’t think I’d get a phone call like that.” Taylor seems a little remorseful for sququing the opportunity he had at the MCU.
Alan Taylor, who previously directed Game of Thrones, also directed Terminator: Genisysafter Dark World. Of course, the MCU won’t spend money turning back time and rearranging a Thor movie. However, this “Director’s Edition” opened by Zack Snyder will be challenged by many directors in the coming days. A similar claim had already been made for David Ayer, the director of the first Suicide Squad film. Let’s see what failed films the director of will try to make his mistakes by saying, “MY VERSION WAS SO GOOD!”