It is possible to say that one of the most popular games of recent years is Animal Crossing: New Horizons. During the pandemic period, he attracted even those who were not very familiar with games under normal conditions, and made the people buy Switches. Although time has passed, it still continues to attract attention.
If you are a Switch owner, you have probably taken at least one look at the present, and if not, you have written your name among the games you plan to play in the coming period. But it’s a good idea to hurry up for that, because there is no unlimited access to the islands, and there is a deadline for that.
One of the Reddit users discovered the date range when Animal Crossing was active. Accordingly, the game can be played between 1.1.2000-31.12.2060. This means that we have a period of about 38 years ahead of us:)
Let’s say you’re in the year 2061 and you still want to play Animal Crossing. You are not helpless, all you have to do is change the date of your device 🙂 Of course, I don’t know if consoles would still be needed to play games at that time.