We first heard of Indie DVO TitanReach through its failed Kickstarter initiative in 2020, and the game failed to reach its $430,000 goal. But the game’s developer, Square Root Studios, did not give up, instead switched to the monthly funding model and entered the Early Access process. The money raised during this period was about $200,000, but this time they explained that it was not enough to continue the project and said in August 2021 that “we have stopped the development of the game”.
Rather, this statement came from the game’s chief developer, the nickname Unravel.
A month after this announcement, they announced that all funding for the game had been received, this time thanks to an angel investor, and that development would continue.
And then what do you think happened? Last week, development of the game was halted again, as Unravel said “funds are running out.” Discord’s announcement was accompanied by NFT integration, blockchain plans, etc. planned to be added to the game. NFT, as you know, is a forbidden word in the gaming world and instantly gets a backlash from players. As a result, Square Root shut down the Discord channel and the game’s web page and social media accounts were shut down. In short, the game has disappeared.
And you know what about those coins? Unravel bought himself a Tesla car with money from an angel investor, and he invested $150,000 in crypto and lost the rest of the money. KiraTV, which revealed that the angel investor was South Africa’s Andre Cronje, also says Unravel tried to bribe him.
Whichever way you hold it, you’ll see what’s left. What happened happened to the people who put money into this game, and Unravel is probably having a day with his Tesla right now.