Tom Holland, the latest actor in Spider-Man, our neighborhood’s adorable neighbor, is growing in popularity. Holland, who will continue his association with Sony with Uncharted, dreams of bringing another Sony brand to the screen. Holland, who said he wants to see naughty dog’s Jak and Daxter game series, which he launched with PlayStation 2 in 2001, has already chosen a role for himself. Holland said he wanted to play Jak;
“I really want to make a Jak and Daxter movie. I can play Jak. But I’d rather make this film under the roof of the A24. Because that way, the movie can be really weird and dark. My preference would be a really weird, bloody version of Jak and Daxter.” and threw the ball to Sony. Of course, after comic book adaptations today, game movies are becoming increasingly popular, and Sony is one of the pioneers. Holland, who has announced that he will be quitting his role as Spider-Man after a certain age, has already begun to look at fresh characters.
The Jak and Daxter series, which released three main games during the PlayStation 2 era, later appeared with both compilations and side games for PSP, PS3 and PS4. Finally, in 2017, the Jak and Daxter Bundle for PlayStation 4 was the last time we heard from the game. We know how busy Naughty Dog is with its current projects, so we don’t expect to see Jak and Daxter on consoles in the near future, but these two cronies will show up on the big screen.