[ In our unforgettable Soundtrack column, we remember together the soundtracks that do not leave our memories, leaving deep traces and sweet memories in all of us. ]
Fable may not have been the game Peter Molyneux promised in the first place, but at least it was a game that gave his name too much credit.
At the end of the play, the tragic adventure of that little boy we started directing while trying to find a birthday present for his sister at Oakvale was an old-fashioned, gray-haired face full of wounds. But after decades, if they turn around and ask me what you remember most, what I remember most is his childhood years. A boy in Oakvale who “chases chickens” in line with the nickname they first wore.
There are many things that make Oakvale so special. But there’s one where you’re good at suppressing all the other emotions and getting to the surface. I’m talking about danny elfman’s music, of course. It’s like remembering a “fairy tale” you listened to as a child; Even today, when you sit and listen, it hits you with a sweet sense of nostalgia, which takes you straight away from the times when everything is simpler, simpler… No matter how scary or dark the aftermath, that’s why when I hear the nostalgia-laden music of “Oakvale,” my character and I suddenly become the carefree, carefree “chicken chaser” in the fairy tale.
It’s exciting that a new Fable game is on the horizon for the next generation. But can they do anything to get close to or get past the bitter nostalgia effect of “Oakvale”? I don’t think it’s very likely…