New updates and events for Valorant keep coming. Riot Games, which has signed an exciting content for the players in our country especially with Turkish Agent Fade , has 5. Section: Valorant is preparing to face the players with the Valorant Parade event, where Part 1 will begin. The information announced about this event is as follows;
Valorant Parade event starts on June 22
The Parade Event Pass is intended so that players can celebrate the arrival of the new map Pearl and the expansion of the universe with new stories. Players were offered a different way to commemorate the time when VALORANT first crossed the worlds. The “Shattered” trailer for Episode 5 features a comic book shop that is important to the story. Players will also be able to see this shop at Pearl. Riot Games has hired industry insiders like Jim Lee and many artists to design eye-catching comic-book-style player cards to bring these worlds together, adding a unique flair to every content.
Key Features
Event Ticket
- Free
- 7 Stages
- 3 Weeks Duration (will be in the game from 23 June 00.00 to 13 July 00.00)
- 2 Title (“Interdimensional” and “Bilateral Agent”)
- 3 Player Cards (Omen, Raze with Killjoy and the VALORANT Legion)
- 2 Radiant Levels (Total 20 Radiant Points)