Valve has announced steam deck, a switch-like handheld gaming device that has long been rumored. Although it is similar to the Switch, it serves as a complete PC. The device is working on a modified version of Valve’s SteamOS operating system. There are also three different versions of the Console. These come with a capacity of 64 GB, 256, GB and 512 GB.
64GB ($399)
– 64GB eMMC internal storage
– Carrying case
256GB ($529)
– 256GB NVMe SSD internal storage
– Faster storage
– Carrying case
– Exclusive Steam Community profile pack
512GB ($649)
– 512GB NVMe SSD internal storage
– Much faster storage
– Premium glare-preventing glass
– Special carrying case
Hardware features
The Steam Deck comes with a 7-inch, 1280×800 resolution, 60hz LCD display. A quad-core AMD, Zen 2 CPU contains eight threads. It also houses eight CU (computational units) connected to the RDNA2 GPU and has 16 GB of LPDDR5 RAM. In addition, bluetooth support is included. You can connect it to any PC, keyboard and mouse. Valve will release its own dock, but the third-party USB-C adapter dock will also work.
There is no clear date, but it is expected to debut in December.
For more details, please find the official Steam page here.