MMA fighter Mikuru Asakura, who participated in the Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio tour organized by SEGA President Haruki Satomi, shared the first images of the new Yakuza game. The footage captured on camera during the tour’s video was spotted by Famitsu and is currently circulating on the internet.
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The first images of the new Yakuza game have arrived
The game that appears in the images may be the future sequel to Yakuza: Like A Dragon instead of Yakuza 8. Because it is possible to see Ichiban Kasuga, the main character of Like A Dragon, in the shared visuals. The MMA fighter who leaked the footage was unaware that he was spreading classified information online. You can also watch the minutes the images are recorded in the video below.
First released on January 16, 2020, Yakuza: Like A Dragon was nominated for one of the best RPG games of the year at The Game Awards competition in its release, but lost the award to Final Fantasy VII Remake. The visuals coming now show that the next Yakuza game will be the continuation of the original game released in 2020. In fact, the studio has already confirmed this.
In addition, SEGA is currently working on bringing Judgment and Lost Judgment to Steam.
Here are the visuals of the new Yakuza game: