The Marvel Cinematic Universe and sensationality are inconceivable. Will Smith, who has slapped the spotlight with his move at the Oscars, is also set to step into the MCU. Jon Watts will direct the new Fantastic Four, which will star Galactus as the lead villain, and Will Smith will play the big name Swallower of the Planets. As if there was no door a slap couldn’t open, smith’s movement at the Oscars opened the MCU doors wide open.
After the script becomes clear with Galactus, I hope we’ll soon learn about the other members of the Fantastic Four team. I wonder if we’re really going to see John Krasinski and his wife Emily Blunt as Reed Richards and Sue Storm. Along with Ant-Man, Kang is also expected to enter the MCU with a more serious role. Together with the kang-top Galactus, we’ll be watching the villains of the cosmic universe one after the other. The true Fantastic Four villains Doctor Doom and Latveria are yet to be heard from.
In addition to Will Smith, chris rock could also appear in the film as a journalist, according to reports. It sounds pretty interesting just to think of these two on the same set. Will Smith, speaking to CNN after the role became clear, can be reached here .