One of the details that soon turned the BioShock series into a cult classic was the big daddys, the must-have of the game. These Big Daddys were protecting and fighting for the Little Sisters around them. But as actors, we had to access these Little Sisters, so our paths had to intersect with these gigantic monsters.
Big Daddys, who have become one of the most recognisable pop culture icons with old diving suits and drills on their arms, have been hiding their faces in that thick helmet for years. But what do the Big Daddys really look like?
The image above is of Robb Waters, a former concept artist at Irrational Games. So we can call the image above “canon”, which makes the BioShock realm more frightening. Now, with its pinkized skin tone and huge head, we understand once again why Big Daddy wears helmets so big.