At Disney+;s launch day last year, everyone found content that appealed to them. For me, the news of the return of X-Men: The Animated Series, which came years later, created a small festive atmosphere. The new generation TAS, which will resume the original series, which aired from 1992 to 1997, has managed to return many names from the old voiceover team. But Eric Lewald, the director of the original series, is not one of the returnees. He doesn’t seem too happy about the new way Disney+; Lewald’s lack of opinion on this has upset the former producer a little.
Lewald said he was also interviewed about the series, adding, “The Disney front wants to expand X-Men: The Animated Series. Whoever’s on the show will be all theirs from now on. The whole team has a lot of love and respect for each other. That starts with beau demayo, the top name walker. I believe they have 10 episodes in mind for the first season. The new season, which will be released in the middle of next year, will pick up where we left off, but it’s not going to happen. Where is Professor X?; “ and also mentioned the progress of the new generation TAS.
Earlier, Wolverine’s voice actor Cal Dodd posted a photo from the studio explaining that the voiceover process had begun. Eric Lewald’s statements also say he was notified but not consulted about the show’s progress. Of course, Disney’s on a different path now, and working with Lewald may not have meant much to them. Still, as Lewald said, I wish they’d come up with an idea. Let’s see if Disney’s first X-Men experience can give us that much-missed atmosphere.