Konami Digital Entertainment B.V. (KONAMI), the popular digital card game Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL’s first event announced the start of the Xyz Festival today.
KONAMI has also released two new Solo Modes (Gate) for Yu-Gi-Oh! “Enforcers of Justice” Gate includes a brand new story content, Duel missions, and rewards based on the “Lightsworn” Deck Genre.
Players can also try the new Structure Deck, Rage of Cipher, which includes a range of cards, including the brand new card Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon. You can now have Rage of Cipher in-game.
It’s not over! To receive 500 Gems as an Xyz Festival bonus, simply sign in to the game by April 25. Not to mention the chance to win 300 extra Gems as a reward to celebrate the game reaching 100,000 followers worldwide on their social media accounts by April 25th!
At the limited-time Xyz Festival event, players will duel with a number of special restrictions imposed. These restrictions are basically that only Xyz monsters are allowed in extra decks. Players can face each other to win Medals and earn rewards based on the number of Medals they have accumulated. Players will only win Medals if they win, lose or draw if they finish the Duel. Players using their original Decks will also be able to win double Medals.
The Xyz Festival runs from 11:30 on 17 February until 08:00 on 24 February. For more information, see the official MASTER DUEL page: https://www.konami.com/yugioh/masterduel/en
press release